Friday, May 1, 2009

Let's Discuss....

So it's the first of May and I am finally getting around to reviewing the book for April. I hope you can all forgive my tardiness. I hope that you all enjoyed it, I know it's a hard read just given the subject matter but I really love this book. I haven't read it about six years since my aunt passed away and at the time I don't think I really got all that much out of it.

I found this time as I was reading that I felt very peaceful and comforted by the spirit. I could not fathom ever being in that situation and watching Ben die, but I hope that I would be able to rely on my faith and knowledge of the gospel to get me through. I have often wondered how close the veil really is to us when we are outside the temple walls? If we are living a Christ like life and listening to the Holy Ghost could we have similar experiences in our daily lives?

I found her story one of inspiration and hope. One of my favorite lines from the book was: When times are the toughest, don't get discouraged. God may be fixing to do something wonderful. May we all remember that when we are going through rough times that Heavenly Father is always there. Can't wait to hear what you all thought about it.


  1. I think that this was a good book to read. Not everyone will go through an experience quite like this(some will or have), but everyone will have painful experiences. This book reminded me just how aware our heavenly father is of us. And it is comforting to know that no matter what will happen to me in my life, he will be there to help me through it. I am very impressed with your Uncle and the fact that he was able to try and comfort others in his time of grief. I am glad that this book comforted you. Thanks so much Lyns for choosing this book and for participating in the book club. I am still so excited about this and am so grateful to those who are participating. Love you Lyns!! :)

  2. Ok, I finished the book this afternoon and whew! was it an emotional read. I'm glad I did read it though. It has made me think about some very important things a little differently. Some thoughts about James, some about my children, and most about my relationship with Jesus Christ. Thoughts I want to keep exploring. And more hope for and of eternal life, if that makes any sense. Lots of thoughts that I won't post here. I think I'll just have to call you sometime, Lyns, and have a real person to person book discussion. Besides, it's been way to long since I talked to you!

    Lots of love to you, and thanks for choosing the book.

  3. The story is so real and personal, and believable too. Most people don't receive those kinds of spiritual gifts that she experienced, but it's nice to know that some people do. She had such faith, and was blessed because of it. I'd like to know how her life has been since that time. Thanks Lynsey, for letting me borrow your own copy of the book while I was at your house.
