Monday, June 1, 2009

Holmes Discussion was it? What did you think? James and I read the first 7 of the 12 stories together and we did enjoy them. I'm sure we will keep going and finish the book. I actually bought a book that has the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes as well as the next book of stories called the Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. So we have plenty of Holmes stories to keep us busy for a while. Sometimes, as we were beginning a new story I would think, "These stories are a little repetitive. Holmes always stumps Watson by gleaning clue after clue from seemingly minute details." But then we would find out about the case and I would have to change my thinking. Of the 7 stories we read, the cases all so very different and quite clever, I thought. You would have to be very clever to be able to write about a person as clever as Sherlock Holmes.

Which story was your favorite? I think I would have to choose The Red-Headed League. That one surprised me. Some of the others like A Case Of Identity and The Man With The Twisted Lip I was able to figure out (or at least have a good guess) way before Holmes had to explain it all to Watson. The Red-Headed League was kind of funny to me too. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, but reading about scores of red-headed men lining up in hopes of gaining a wonderful unknown position was funny to me. Then poor Mr. Wilson sitting in an office for a few hours everyday copying the encyclopedia made me laugh some more.

I thought of a couple more questions for you. Why does Holmes like to have Watson's company so often? Aside from documenting cases, what other assistance does Watson offer? Is Holmes just lonely? What did you most enjoy about Sherlock Holmes, the character? Even though he does it over and over, I enjoyed Holmes ability to really observe. I also admired his ability to stop his work and move on to other things when there was nothing more to be done for the current case. Overall, I think Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson both are remarkable people. I hope you all enjoyed the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.


  1. My first thought was also that Arthur Conan Doyle had to be, himself, very clever in the first place to come up with all of the clues and plots and things.

    My favorite tale has always been The Hound of D'Baskervilles (sp?), by the way. I think because I heard it when I was young enough for the idea of a hellish hound to both thrill and terrify me--and to have it continue to do so now that I am an adult (with all the same feelings coming back again).

    I think there are many reasons Holmes enjoys Watson though, and not just one. The first is that Watson is pure. Watson is not as jaded or cynical as Holmes is. Watson's reactions are alwsys honest which I think Holmes appreciates despite Watson not being as observant as Holmes. I also think Holmes respects Watson as a man of knowledge, who will "get it" as soon as Holmes supplies a few missing pieces for him. Watson is a professional in his own right, which Holmes respects. Holmes relishes the solving, while Watson enjoys the effects of the solving, and that must be nice to have your efforts appreciated by someone you know to be honest and intelligent. I do think Holmes is lonely, but that this is not enough to keep Watson so close to him.Watson and Holmes create a fine balance.

    As for what I enjoy the most about Holmes' character,I think I admire his powers of observation and also of being to hold everything in until he can be absolutely sure of himself and his deductions. I tend to talk things out as I go, but he doesn't. It is what he has held back (and thus kept untarnished) that seals the deal. What would you call that? Patience? Or maybe just plain nerves of steel.

    Great stories! Thanks for the choice, Aimee.

  2. I have to admit to being a little bit of a Mystery Snob. I think anyone who reads Agatha Christie is one, because she did it best. But I really have enjoyed the stories I have read so far in this book.
    I also think that The Red-Headed League is my favorite. Again, I say so far because I got the book so late in the month I haven't been able to get very far with it. I think that I will keep it by my bedside, however, so I can read them later. Each story is just the right length for a nighttime read. I really enjoy the character of Holmes. I think that I picture both Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett while I am reading. They both played him so well.
    Watson seems to be there mostly to express awe in Holmes' abilities. He is able to put Holmes in his place occasionally but is generally just a fan.
    I found myself getting a little annoyed that I was able to figure out "whodunnit". I'm not used to that. Agatha always surprises me (even if I've read it before, because my memory sucks). Maybe I would do better reading the novels rather than the short stories. Most authors, from Agatha to Louis Lamour, do their best work in their longer stories. I would bet that Doyle is the same.
    So I WILL keep reading it, I'll let you know when I reach the end. Thanks Aimee, I really enjoy being exposed to new books. That's what's right with our family, well, one of the things anyway.

  3. And now, Autumn, I look forward to starting your book. I got this one early. I'll start it tonight!
    I HAVE read 101 Dalmations, not a good as the animated movie but how could it be.
    I think there is a movie of this book out there. I think I might even own it but have never watched it. Go ahead, shake your heads at me, thats just the way I roll. Now I won't watch it until I've read the book. And so we start!

  4. I have really enjoyed reading all these short stories, Arthur Conan Doyle is quite the writer. I think my favorites are A Scandal in Bohemia and The Boscombe Valley Mystery.

    I think Holmes enjoys Watson's company for multiple reasons. First being he is an intellectual in his field, Second he is paitient and understands Holmes, Third he is perceptive and eager to learn without coming on to strong. I love that Sherlock Holmes can solve a case so quickly but won't reveal all the detials until he is sure and that when he does solve a case he is proud and humble at the same time. He gives credit where credit is due and doesn't hog all the glory for himself. Thanks for picking such a good group of stories Aimee.
