Thursday, March 11, 2010

My bad!

Ok, so I forgot to start the discussion of "The Diary of Anne Frank". Sorry. Anyway. I hope you haven't been waiting on me before you started reading the book for March. So sorry guys. Anyway...

I enjoyed the book the second time around as well as the first time when I was in junior high. It was very different reading it as an adult though. There were many things that I didn't notice or understand as a young teen, that I did this time. I think that Anne was a very interesting person. She was very intelligent for her age. Very mature. Well, maybe not at first, but she certainly matured greatly while in hiding. I imagine she didn't have a choice but to mature greatly. I am actually having a hard time writing my thoughts on this book. My thoughts are too complex I think. In so many ways, Anne reminded me of myself. The way she looks at the world, her emotions, and her dreams and ambitions. It breaks my heart that she never was able to do all the things she had planned for herself. This book made me think a great deal about Adolph Hitler, and wonder what his childhood must have been like. What must have been done to him, or happened to him, to make him turn out to be the person he did. Anyway, back to the book. I am amazed at how well they all got on together being contained like that for 2 years. I know they didn't get along perfectly, but I think they did great under the circumstances. And I loved reading, and watching in my mind the friendship and love grow between Anne and Peter. It was not quite as exciting this time as it was the first time I read it. It made me remember what it was like to be 15, and all of the insanely intense emotions and feelings that come with being a 15 year old girl. I can't imagine bottling that up for 2 years. I'm so glad that she had Peter. And it makes me so sad that she had such a horrible relationship with her Mother.A good relationship with one's Mother when one is a teenage girl, can have a great impact on a girl. And I can't believe how horribly she was treated by everyone. I know we only heard her side of the story. And for all we know, she may have been lazy, overly talkative, and obnoxious, and whatever else she was described as by the adults. But from her side, she seemed to be misjudged. And I find it interesting that she never really found fault with her Father, even when she said that he would stand up for her Mother. I think it is very hard for a daughter to find fault with her Father. There really is nothing like a Father-Daughter relationship. My last thought is of admiration for those who helped them. Miep, Kraller, Koophius, and Elli. How BRAVE! They are heroes. The world needs more people like them. How amazing that they would help a family while possibly risking their own lives. They were truly Christ-like. I hope to be able to do something as great for someone some day. Not to be able to say, look what great thing I did, but just because. Anyway, those are just some of my, unorganized thoughts. :)

I hope you all enjoyed the book. I love you all!! Thanks so much for your participation!


1 comment:

  1. It has been years since I have read this book, but this time around I enjoyed it even more. I found Anne to be a very interesting, smart, misunderstood young girl. Before they went into hiding she was admired by all and had lots of friends. Once in hiding she had a hard time adjusting to not having everyone love her right off the bat. I think it was good for Anne to be humbled and to realize that sometimes you have to work harder to make relationships work. I was also impressed with how well they all got along for those two years, I know they had their moments but given the intense situation into which they went into hiding they did pretty good. Heidi I completely agree that the ones who helped them were truly christ like. I am glad that Anne had Peter to talk with, I think they were both able to really understand where the other one was coming from. It broke my heart to read what she thought about her mother. I couldn't imagine having such horrible feelings and thoughts about my own mother and now being a mom it would just tear me apart inside if Joseph were to ever feel that way about me. I think she never found fault with her father because he never really hurt her feelings. It is so sad that Anne was never able to live out all the dreams she had for herself, I think she would have done great things.

    Thanks for picking this book Heidi. I really enjoyed reading it again as an adult and picking up on things that I missed the first time around.
