Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank

Ok. I didn't post at the beginning of December, but I think we all knew that "The Outsiders" was the book for December and January. So, we are just about half way through with that time. I am posting to let everyone know that the book that we will be reading in February and March is "The Diary of Anne Frank" I love this book. I hope you will all enjoy it if you have not already read it. Well, that's it, we will be discussing "The Outsiders at the end of January. Hope you are all doing well and I love you all very much. XOXOX



  1. Precious Heidi,
    I have never been able to read this great personal memoir. I'll discuss it with Sheryl and we'll decided whether to tackle it. One summer in Moscow I took two 3-credit classes at the same time: The History of Vietnam and Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. I would come home pretty depressed every day. And by the time I'd finished my reading assignments to prepare for the next day's discussion, I was often in tears. Please be patient with us if we don't get to it or through it. The Holocaust was also very difficult to teach, at least emotionally. The facts were easily learned and easily imparted to others. In my next-to-last year at Madison, I was teaching the Holocaust and noticed one of my favorite Junior girls sitting in her desk, one row behind the front, tears pouring over her face. This got me goiing a little, too. One year I even had Elena come in and talk about it, because her knowledge of the subject was great and she had visited some of the significant places of the Holocaust. None of this made it any easier. And it always came so shortly after my discussion of the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks in 1915 that I wasn't really psyched up for it. Anyway, thanks for the good idea. We'll see what we can do.
    Uncle Jim

  2. I just bought this book last time I was at Goodwill! What great timing! I've never read it, but always wanted to. Thanks for choosing it, Heidi!

  3. I've wanted to re-read this a lot lately, and will enjoy finally adding a copy of it to my aspiring library. :)

    Speaking of that little library, it sure has filled out a lot for the better with everyone's book selections!!! Thank you Heidi and the rest of you fantastic family members! 2010 here we come! :D
