Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change of plans...

Hello to all!! I am posting to say that I think that we should take a break for July, for a couple of reasons. First, Lisa is very busy right now and needs to focus on more important things. I think she should. Good luck to Lisa with summer school and everything else she has on her plate. And I also must admit, that I am a little behind. I have only been able to read parts of the last 2 books. Because of just plane crazy life, and because my books never get to me in time!! That is so annoying (I order all of mine on line). So, We are going to skip July, and I am going to catch up with some books. Jim and Sheryl are in charge for August. I believe they have already chosen a book and I am way excited to read it. Jim makes it sound great. So, anyway, if any of you disagree with my decision and think we should just reassign someone else who has a book in mind, then let me know. If I do not hear from anyone, I will just plan on starting back up in August. I love you all and hope you all have a very happy Independence Day!!!



  1. I like your idea dear; you put it all very well. I never got started on a Holmes book and I'm about 1/4 into the Castle book (and enjoying it very much). So this gives me time to catch up; thanks to you and Lisa. Love you all!

  2. Yes, I think that's a great idea too. Thanks so much, Heidi. You are super!

  3. Yes!! That makes me feel a lot better, too, to know I wasn't the only one falling behind. I just heard from Dad and Sheryl last night, and they plan to read I Capture the Castle this month, too, to catch up. I will try to find some time to start the discussion of it this week. Sorry for the lag time. I just hope that those who read the book on time will not have forgotten their views on it by the time we all discuss.

    Thanks Heidi (and Lisa for being so busy with good things!)!!

